Tricks You Should Play While Dealing With Commercial Landlords

Commercial real estate deals like leasing, renting and purchasing the office space or any other commercial properties can turn out to be disgraceful if you go bland in front of the landlords who are very much experienced in the field.

In order to avoid such things happening, you should be playing some tricks while dealing with commercial landlords.

So, what are those tricks that put you in an upper edge over the landlords in a deal? Continue reading “Tricks You Should Play While Dealing With Commercial Landlords”

How To Make Gel Manicures Last For a Long Time Span

For any fashionista, a gel polish manicure that lasts for a long time is a dream come true. Ideally, the manicure should last for two weeks. But till that point of time, if you see something weird, then you should follow the tips listed below.

Keep nails clean

Much before you apply the base coat, it’s essential to clean your nails thoroughly with alcohol. Basically, you can either wipe them with the help of a nail polish remover pad or a swab dipped in alcohol. The surface should be dry so that the polish lasts for a long time span. Continue reading “How To Make Gel Manicures Last For a Long Time Span”

The Benefits of Having an Energy Star Certified House

For two decades, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pushing energy-efficiency in homes. From this, the Energy Star in new homes was conceptualized. It aims to prevent pollution of the air while at the same time giving homes the much-needed adjustments towards energy efficiency.

For home buyers who are on the hunt for their dream homes, it is very important to look for Energy Star compliant homes. While the prices may be higher than homes established right before its implementation, buyers are guaranteed to save along the way from the prices slashed on energy costs. Continue reading “The Benefits of Having an Energy Star Certified House”

7 Simple Ways For Homeowners To Save Money And Be Environmentally Concerned

It is often said, home ownership is an essential component of most people’s American Dream, but, while, it should be, once someone has bought the home of their dreams (or the best they might afford, etc), it is important to consider economic considerations and/ or challenges, as well as hopefully, being environmentally concerned and responsible. While there are numerous green housing possibilities, this article will review, briefly, 7 simple, relatively inexpensive. environmentally responsible actions, etc. After all, it doesn’t help the environment, in any meaningful way, if one can’t afford to do what’s necessary, and/ or needed. Continue reading “7 Simple Ways For Homeowners To Save Money And Be Environmentally Concerned”

Is a Defence Possible Against Men Putting Women Down?

Some men are determined to make their partners or ex-partners suffer. They can do this many ways because men run the world. They sit as the executives in banks, companies, and even the legal profession. Women are already on the back-foot when appealing for help from them and men have their ear no matter how bad they may be. This is the lot that many face in the real world of females versus the put down about them created by men.

Domestic violence has a large profile in Australia at this time, and possibly around the world. Women are killed at the rate of 2 per week in this country and their death is not always the result of a fight between partners. Many murders go unsolved and some men get away with it. Continue reading “Is a Defence Possible Against Men Putting Women Down?”

The Skin Care Tips for Mothers-To-Be

Most people think that pregnancy is the ugliest period for women. They believe that the skin status of the pregnant will be the worst and the body shape will be the worst too. And the pregnant will take it a natural thing too. So some of them spend less time in skin care during the pregnancy desperately. Lady, you don’t have to be that! Actually, if you pay enough attention to the skin care, your skin can even be more beautiful like some superstars during their pregnancy. They are not always born to have such nice skin, but just always spend time caring for it, including when they are pregnant. Continue reading “The Skin Care Tips for Mothers-To-Be”

25 Bridal Makeup Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

Wedding season is knocking at the door and if you are in for this wedding season then surely preparations and planning have already started. Wedding is a big day in anyone’s life that happens only once in a lifetime and so planning and arrangements are always grand in this occasion. Now if you are a bride then you surely there’s load going on in your head. Makeup and perfect bridal are one of those things that you worry about the most. But somewhere if might end up making few mistakes while obsessing over perfection.

25 Make Up Mistakes to Avoid on Your Wedding Day Continue reading “25 Bridal Makeup Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make”

Child-Free: Choosing to Not Have Children

Five years ago, while I was going through my midlife crisis in a big way my friend and colleague, Maryanne Pope starting a blog called “Mothering Matters” and asked me to write a piece on my decision to go child-free as well as my professional take on this important decision in my client’s lives. It appeared here originally and since I’ve never shared it with you, my dear readers, I share it now with the hopes that it will help you in your own decision-making process re: mothering Continue reading “Child-Free: Choosing to Not Have Children”